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A simple service which consumes, transforms and periodically republish json messages on mqtt.

DoorSensor -> Discord

Tools: tasmota mqttwarn
Tags: IoT alerting webhook

I have multiple door-window sensors from sonoff, and I wanted to get notifications if doors/windows opened/closed. One of the easiest notification source was discord.

Sensor and tasmota

The sensors was paired to an already flashed ZbBridge. I configured the bridge to send notifications to the tele/bridgeName/sensorName/SENSOR topic.

I used these commmands;

Example topicname (not named sensor); tele/tasmota_E3210C/E30B/SENSOR

Example json;

  "ZbReceived": {
    "0xE30B": {

(Contact is 1 when the sensors are not connected…)


This is the simplest part. You need to create a new server if you don’t have a “private” one already. Add a new channel. At the channel configuration, click the integrations, and add a new webhook, copy the url, it will be sth like<<id>>/<<otherId>>

Based on the documentation our output should be something like;

    "title":":interrobang::unlock: - 0xE30B opened"

mqttwarn - old method

This is rather easy too. Our output topic will be transformed/alert/door-window and we will provide the jsonBody as is.

timeout = 60
targets = {
          #method     #URL               # query params or None                              # list auth # Json
          'discord'    : [ "post", "<<id>>/<<otherId>>", None, None, True ]

targets = http:discord, log:info

hookCall - new method

      "io": [
          "type": "hookCall",
          "url": "<<id>>/<<otherId>>",
          "topicPrefix": "discord1/",
          "responseTopic": "computed/hooks/discord1/response"


Our list to dos;

 "fromTopic": "tele/+/+/SENSOR",
 "toTopic": "discord1/send",
 "emitType": "collect",
 "filterTemplate": {
    "$let": {
          "$map": {"$eval": "ZbReceived"},
          "each(y)": {
            "key": "${y.key}", 
            "value": {"$eval": "y.val['ZoneStatusChange']"}
    "in": "${value}"
 "template": {
     "$let": {
         "$map": {"$eval": "ZbReceived"},
         "each(y)": {
            "key": "${y.key}",
            "value": {"$eval": "y.val"}
     "in": {
       "$let": {
            "color":  {"$if": "value.Contact == 1",    "then": 10027161, "else": 10066176},
            "state":  {"$if": "value.Contact == 1",    "then": "opened", "else": "closed"},
            "icon":   {"$if": "value.Contact == 1",    "then": ":interrobang::unlock:", "else": ":lock:"},
            "device": {"$if": "value['Name']", "then": "${value.Name} (_${value.Device}_)", "else": "${value.Device}"}
       "in": {
         "embeds": [{
            "color": "${color}",
            "title": "${icon} - ${device} ${state}"